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Time to Reflect

The past couple of years has taught me that I can never really grasp the concept of time. While it seemed, the world stood still because...

Nursing and Technology

What is your experience with the way technology is changing nursing theory and practice? Technology is advancing health care services...

Valentine's Day post

Valentines day is loved by some and dreaded for others. It is a basic human need to feel loved by someone, and that your presence...

Let's be an Advocate for George!

How does one define health? If the question was posed to a group of people, expected answers would possibly include, the absence of...

It really does "Take a Village"

Looking at the influences on health in our country can be quite the challenge. The Social Ecological Model is a theory-based framework...

How do you measure your Health?

To define health, is such an ambiguous term. It compare to wealth in some ways, all very relative. Millionaires keep working for more...

Have you ever "Googled" yourself?

This week I had completed the task of searching myself on the web. If you have not done this, it is a great way to see aspects of your...

You can teach an old dog a new trick!

Tonight after a few days of research, I have created my first web page. At 50 years old, there are many things left to learn in my...

Blog: Blog2
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