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How the Health Belief Model can be applied to Chronic Disease Management in Rural/Remote settings

Health Belief Model Power Point, click here

Post: Welcome
  • Writer's pictureLeslie Ann

You can teach an old dog a new trick!

Tonight after a few days of research, I have created my first web page. At 50 years old, there are many things left to learn in my lifetime. You see I decided to go back to "school" , a Masters in Health Studies it is, starting with MHST601. This course has already taught me the benefit of a clean digital image, ensuring that my social media presence matches my core values as a person and professional. As this journey begins, there is much anticipation is what this page will evolve into. Will this become the way I present myself professionally in the future? What a great addition to a CV, to see a web page

that reflects the person/professional that I am. So tonight I am proud of this page, and feel like an old puppy that just received a new toy! Just like the picture of my puppy and her friends, who are eager to play! So keep an eye to my blog, I will be posting things I have learned in this course that resonate with me, promises to be a great journey!

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